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Rabbit Rabbit: A Game of Superstitions

Rabbit Rabbit: A Game of Superstitions

Regular price $25.00
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Do you carry a lucky charm? Knock on wood? Wish on a lucky star? Ever wondered where your favorite superstitions come from and what inspired them?

Rabbit Rabbit is a trivia game of superstitions, myths, and folklore for 1-10 players with 350 unique cards collecting superstitions from around the world, ancient and modern, with bonus trivia, context, and history on the back of each card.

Share, learn, and connect with friends, family, and strangers with this trivia game from Pink Tiger Games' Ami Baio, the creator of You Think You Know Me, Flatter Me: A Compliment Battle Card Game, Lost for Words: A Game of Untranslatable Feelings, Cloud Nine: A Game of Wonderful Things, and Hurt Party: A Game of Bad Apologies.

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